
An ideas summit presented by
World Affairs Councils nationwide
MAY 4 - MAY 8, 2020
Putting the World Back Together marks the first time Councils across the country will gather virtually for a special, inclusive Ideas Summit, under a new brand: CxC: Amplified. Our collective programming – virtual events, conversations, debates, and engagement opportunities – on one platform aims to meet this historic moment with unity, leadership, and dialogue.
Monday | May 4, 2020

Presented by: Peoria Area World Affairs Council
Ambassador Bill Taylor, twice our top diplomat to Ukraine and currently vice president of Strategic Stability and Security at the U.S. Institute of Peace, will address our councils across the nation for an exciting, insider event.
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Title & Description
CxC: Amplified Kickoff | Council Leaders' Opening Message
Presented by: World Affairs Councils Across the Country
Be there for the official summit kickoff! A live message from leaders of Councils across the country to set the stage for the week ahead. Featuring Megan Torrey, World Affairs Council of Connecticut, Xiao Yin Zhao, World Affairs Council of Kentucky & Southern Indiana, Derrick Olsen, WorldOregon, Mortada Mohamed, World Affairs Council of Austin, Joyce Davis, World Affairs Council of Harrisburg, and Bill Clifford, World Affairs Councils of America.
Journalists Covering COVID-19
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Kentucky and Southern Indiana
As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads across the globe, journalists around the world are working to expose the extent of the virus, hold officials accountable, gather personal impact stories and more. Featuring: Jared Bennett, Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting (Louisville, KY), Dora Krsul, Journalist, Telegram.hr (Croatia), Thimi Samarxhiu, Journalist and Editor, “Real Story” program, Vizion Plus TV (Albania), Virendra Tiwari, Editorial Head, Naidunia-A Unit, Jagran Prakashan Ltd. (India). This virtual pop-up discussion is free but registration is required.
Yoga Nidra and the Power of Slowing Down
Presented by: Columbia World Affairs Council
As our daily routines slow down, how do we, too, learn to honor the body and mind’s need for rest? Yoga Nidra is a tool for settling into a meditative state while lying down - a gem for these times when our nervous systems are on high alert, stress is activated, and our perspective becomes clouded. Class will include some gentle movement, a yoga nidra practice (done lying down), and meditation, and will be led by Fannie Hungerford - an expert yoga and meditation teacher based in Iowa City. Please have a pillow and a blanket.
Digital Coffee Hour: New Normals
Presented by: International Relations Council, Kansas City
It’s easy to feel disconnected right now. But it’s our job here at the International Relations Council to make sure you have the opportunity to share your story. Going forward, the IRC is going to put on Digital Coffee Hours. We’ll invite you to make yourself a warm beverage, log on to Zoom, and discuss international topics. Let’s get through this difficult time together.
Lessons Learned in Ukraine with Amb. Bill Taylor (Ret.), Former Ambassador to Ukraine
Presented by: Peoria Area World Affairs Council
Join the Peoria Area World Affairs Council for a candid discussion with Ambassador William Taylor. This distinguished speaker will share his knowledge of Ukraine and, more broadly, the challenges facing US diplomats as they navigate the world on behalf of America's foreign policy interests. Tickets are $5 - $10. Zoom coordinates will be sent with your ticket confirmation.

For the first time ever, World Affairs Councils across the United States will unite virtually for an inclusive ideas summit for all.
Tuesday | May 5, 2020
How will this global pandemic affect global security and policy in the years ahead? How can leaders rise to the challenge posed by this crisis and prepare for the "next big one"?
Join Gen. David Petraeus, U.S. Army (Ret.), one of the most influential military leaders of our times, for a conversation on leadership and vision during crisis. Moderated by Megan Clark Torrey, CEO of the World Affairs Council of Connecticut.
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Leadership During Crisis with General David Petraeus, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Connecticut
How will this global pandemic affect global security and policy in the years ahead? How can leaders rise to the challenge posed by this crisis and prepare for the "next big one"? Join Gen. David Petraeus, U.S. Army (Ret.), one of the most influential military leaders of our times, for a conversation on leadership and vision during crisis. Moderated by Megan Clark Torrey, CEO of the World Affairs Council of Connecticut.
Great Decisions 2020: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Presented by: Santa Fe Council on International Affairs
Join this discussion series, featuring a video, a presentation, and then an hour of dialogue. Lynn Sanchez (of The Life Link) leads this Great Decisions discussion on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. Tickets are $10. Reserve your place in the "Tickets" button.
International Exchange in a Time of Isolation Series: Juntos en el Cinco de Mayo
Presented by: WorldBoston
Join WorldBoston on May 5 to celebrate Cinco de Mayo in the latest edition of their virtual series: International Exchange In a Time of Isolation. The upcoming event in the series "Juntos en el Cinco de Mayo: A Conversation with Consul General Alberto Fierro" focuses on the effects of COVID-19 in Mexico and the Mexican-American community. The webinar will feature Consul General of Mexico to Boston, Alberto Fierro, who will facilitate a conversation with Young Leaders of America (YLAI) alumni to share a unique perspective on the current COVID-19 crisis.
Flying the Pandemic Skies
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Charlotte
Join us for a WACC Distinguished Speaker Series virtual presentation with Brent Cagle, Aviation Director for the City of Charlotte who will offer his perspective on the impact COVID-19 has had on the airline industry, the future of air travel in the face of a global pandemic, and the changes being made to mitigate risk and manage upcoming travel plans.
Global Engagement News Review with Dr. Marieta Velikova and LCDR Patrick Ryan
Presented by: Tennessee World Affairs Council
Professor Marieta Velikova and LCDR Patrick Ryan, USN(Ret), President,Tennessee World Affairs Council, present five top topics in the news and share commentary and assessments to provide background, context and understanding o key events in global news. Duration: about 40 minutes. Format: Live, Interactive Zoom Webinar. Questions and comments encouraged.
Afternoon Yoga Break + Basic Pose Breakdown
Presented by: Pacific and Asian Affairs Council
Take a mid-afternoon break to move, breathe and rejuvenate your body + mind for the rest of the day that lies ahead. Join yoga teacher + visibility expert Lorraine Sanders, yoga teacher at Flydog Yoga in Charlottesville, VA, for an hour-long session focused on yoga basics in two parts. All levels and abilities are welcome as we first break down a few favorite key poses to explore alignment and variations to further your practice. During the session’s second half, we’ll move together through a flow meant to empower and inspire you to reconnect with yourself and engage with the world -- even at a distance.
WorldQuest: A Global Pop Trivia Challenge
Presented by: World Affairs Council of New Hampshire
Join us for this fun kickoff event to introduce the network to the WorldQuest: A Global Pop Trivia Challenge. The World Affairs Councils of America and the Global Ties U.S. Networks are coming together to create a four-week long, nationwide trivia competition that will culminate in a national trivia competition to crown the top team in the U.S. You will have an opportunity to learn more about this initiative and how your Council can join. You will also compete for global pop trivia dominance during this event. Registration is limited to the first 50 players, however, up to 100 participants can join the event.
Global Dialogue: U.S.-China Relations in the Age of Pandemics
Presented by: Tennessee World Affairs Council
TNWAC President Pat Ryan hosts a conversation and your questions and comments with John Scannapieco, Attorney and Chair of Baker Donelson’s Global Business Team, TNWAC Board and Honorary Consul for the United Kingdom in Tennessee and Jeremy Goldkorn, Editor-in-chief of SupChina.com and co-host of the Sinica Podcast.
YP Virtual International Trivia Happy Hour
Presented by: WorldOregon
Can you name the world's first zero carbon city? How about the President of Turkmenistan?
If you know the answers—or even if you don't—then join the WorldOregon's Young Professionals for the first in a series of Virtual International Trivia Happy Hours —via Zoom webinar. You'll have the opportunity to win great prize. Topics include current events, world history, geography, culture and more!

All week, this is your platform for ideas, expert analysis, debate, and global engagement opportunities to tackle the central question: how will the world be put back together as we emerge from a pandemic?
Wednesday | May 6, 2020

Cybersecurity: China, COVID-19, and Global Cooperation
How will economies balance civil liberties, public health, and privacy? In partnership with the US-China Series’s daylong event, the Columbus Council on World Affairs hosts a dynamic panel of global experts in cybersecurity, including Samm Sacks of Yale and Graham Webster of Stanford.
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Title & Description
Cybersecurity: China, COVID-19, and Global Cooperation
Presented by: Columbus Council on World Affairs
Global supply chains, data, and network infrastructure are an increasingly important part of national security. Countries that successfully utilize and protect their data will be in a position to dominate the geopolitical landscape. Are we destined for a bifurcated world of technology because of a lack of trust, or can the US and China work together for the common good? Is COVID-19 fast-tracking the inevitable? How will economies balance civil liberties, public health, and privacy? In partnership with the US-China Series’s daylong event, the Columbus Council on World Affairs hosts a dynamic panel of global experts in cybersecurity, including Samm Sacks of Yale and Graham Webster of Stanford.
The Deadly Coronavirus Crisis Is Also an Opportunity for a U.S.-China Partnership to Reimagine the World
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Western Michigan
Join Sarwar Kashmeri, author of “China’s Grand Strategy; Weaving a New Silk Road to Global Primacy, (Praeger 2019),” Fellow, Foreign Policy Association, as he explains why China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the U.S. military may offer both Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping with a point of departure to try and salvage the most important relationship in the world today.
Europe Day 2020
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Atlanta
In honor of Europe Day, the Council is delighted to host Stavros Lambrinidis, Ambassador of the European Union to the United States. Europe is struggling with many of the same coronavirus issues as the United States, except that the EU is composed of 27 sovereign nations with tensions between the member states and the European Union. Post-Brexit trade and security negotiations are also at stake; both the EU and the UK believe that only major changes in either one's position will lead to a deal. Ambassador Lambrinidis will discuss if this global pandemic is a wake up call for strengthening global cooperation as a critical tool for an effective economic reboot post COVID-19. Please join us for this important program with Europe’s top representative in the United States.
Anonymous Is a Woman: A Global Chronicle of Gender Inequality
Presented by: World Affairs Councils of America
Register now for WACA's Cover to Cover conference call on Wednesday, May 6 at 2:00-2:30 PM ET, featuring Dr. Nina Ansary, UN Women Global Champion for Innovation and Visiting Fellow at The London School of Economics Centre for Women, Peace & Security.
Current and Future State of NATO
Presented by: Colorado Springs World Affairs Council
With the admission of the newest member of the NATO Alliance, The Republic of North Macedonia, NATO stands at a crossroads. In the face of Chinese and Russia aggression in numerous spheres, continued threats for terrorist organizations, and myriad impacts from COVID-19, NATO will face many challenges and its role in Europe and the world will evolve.
Economic Dignity
Presented by: Los Angeles World Affairs Council
Gene Sperling was director of the National Economic Council under U.S. Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. His new book, Economic Dignity, written before the COVID-19 outbreak, Sperling advocates that our economic debate confused ends and means.
Misinformation, Fake News and COVID-19
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Seattle
In 2016, the United States awoke to the use of disinformation as a weapon by America’s adversaries. As deaths have risen globally due to COVID-19, foreign disinformation has increased as Russia and China, among others, try to settle scores, cast blame, and weaken the United States domestically and internationally. In this session, Dr. Jim Ludes builds on his previous research on political warfare to examine how other countries are exploiting the crisis to advance their own interests and to weaken the United States. Tickets are $0 - $15.
Iran: U.S. Maximum Pressure Campaign, American and European Perspectives
Presented by: Tennessee World Affairs Council
This special edition of the TNWAC Global Dialogue: International Speakers series presents a conversation about current developments in relations with Iran. Ambassador Bill Luers will moderate a conversation with Professor Gary Sick of Columbia University and Ellie Geranmayeh of the European Council on Foreign Relations. Iran remains at the center of U.S. decision makers attention in the Middle East as Tehran grapples with the effects of Washington’s “Maximum Pressure” campaign and the catastrophic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile Tehran continues its “Maximum Resistance” response through maritime provocations, space vehicle (potential ICBM) launches and backing Iraqi militias that are in conflict with U.S. forces. Registration is free, though donations are appreciated. Donations can be made at: TNWAC.org/donate
Washington Update: Global, National and Local Impacts of the Coronavirus, and Policy Responses with Congressman Harley Rouda
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Orange County
The World Affairs Council of Orange County presents, “Washington Update: Global, National and Local Impacts of the Coronavirus, and Policy Responses” with Congressman Harley Rouda, The United States House of Representatives for California's 48th Congressional District, Member of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, Chair of Subcommittee on Environment. To join this FREE event, enter Zoom code: 681-423-9507 OR click this link: https://zoom.us/j/6814239507
India on the Edge: With Dr. Manu Bhagavan
Presented by: World Affairs Council of New Hampshire
Dr. Manu Bhagavan, Professor of History at Hunter College, talks about the authoritarian trends that some have seen building under current Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the largest democracy in the world, India.
Our Future in Space - Developments, Commercialization and Governance with Evelyn Miralles
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Greater Houston
With Evelyn Miralles, Former Chief Principal Engineer, NASA; Associate Vice President for Strategic Information Initiatives and Technology, UH-Clear Lake
Ensálsate, Salsa and Panela - Free Salsa Lesson!
Presented by: World Affairs Councils of America
Please join Yoii Campo from the Joy Dance School in Baltimore and the Embassy of Colombia in Washington, DC to take a live salsa lesson! Don't be shy - all levels and ages welcome. This is a webinar format, so your camera will be off for privacy.
Balancing Public Health and Privacy Concerns During a Pandemic Response
Presented by: International Relations Council, Kansas City
The COVID-19 pandemic has already altered society in immeasurable ways. One element to this new way of life is a increase in privacy concerns stemming from the use of technology in monitoring public health. Experts Dr. Sarah Kessler and Michael Tabman will examine how these tech tools are used in public health, including in the current Covid-19 response, discuss related privacy concerns, and offer insight into what the future may hold in this evolving situation.
Europe in the Age of Corona with Ron Granieri
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Greater Reading
Ron Granieri is an FPRI Templeton Fellow, the Executive Director of FPRI’s Center for the Study of America and the West, Editor of the Center’s E-publication The American Review of Books, Blogs, and Bull, and Host of Geopolitics with Granieri, a monthly series of events for FPRI Members. He is a specialist in Contemporary German and International History with degrees from both Harvard and the University of Chicago.
Presented by: International Relations Council, Kansas City
There are around 6500 languages spoken throughout the world today, but how many can we name, much less speak? The International Relations Council is proud to present Lexicon, a weekly digital interactive program that will introduce you to a language you may not know much about.

Everyone is welcome. Join in events and discussions with people in your neighborhood, across the country, and around the world.
Thursday | May 7, 2020

The US and China Now: Should We Confront or Cooperate?
Join the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia for a discussion about the future of China, both at home and as a rising world power, following the "new normal" of the coronavirus pandemic, and whether the US and China are bound for confrontation or cooperation. With Yanzhong Huang, PhD, Susan Shirk, PhD, and Rep. Ted Yoho.
Time (ET)
Title & Description
The Transatlantic Agenda During and After the Corona Crisis: What’s at Stake
Presented by: American Council on Germany
Join us for a “Fireside Chat” between Ambassador Emily Haber, German ambassador to the U.S. and Ambassador John B. Emerson (Ret.), Chairman of the American Council on Germany. At this time, we should be working together to tackle a common challenge (the pandemic), but the US is pulling back from the world stage. With a view to the US election in the fall – and in light of the massive German government investment in Deutschlandjahr – what does the German-American relationship look like, now and in the future?
Libya in Chaos: Origins, Players and Outcomes
Presented by: Santa Fe Council on International Affairs
Ambassador Deborah Jones, appointed US Ambassador to Libya in 2013, led the overland evacuation of the American embassy in Tripoli in July 2014 following the outbreak of active hostilities. Jones was active in the UN-led political reconciliation talks that led to the establishment of a Government of National Accord (GNA) in 2015. Since then, Libya has spiraled downward into an intractable civil war. See what Ambassador Jones has to say on this ongoing crisis. To reserve your place in this livestream: $10 Tickets available through the "Tickets" button
Rebels vs. Rule Followers: In a Crisis Who Wins?
with Michele Gelfand
Presented by: World Affairs Council Upstate
How do our cultural differences impact the way we respond to a pandemic? Are we rule followers or rule breakers? Our esteemed speaker, Michele Gelfand, has looked at the coronavirus pandemic through the lens of tight and loose cultures and has been interviewed on NPR's Hidden Brain.
COVID-19 Across the Globe: An International Solidarity Series
Presented by: WorldDenver
Join WorldDenver and the German American Chamber of Commerce, CO, for a joint webinar series in which we speak with panelists about their personal and professional experiences with COVID-19. This week we will hear from Alexander Lim, legal Associate in Brunei Darussalam, Senator Julie Gonzales, Colorado State Senator, Mario Ramo, Deputy Head International Economic Relations, economiesuisse, Swiss Business Federation, and Kunal Sarangi, Former member of the State Assembly of Jharkhand, India, about their work in policy-making, trade, and government.
Virtual Coffee Chat: Bringing the World Together During a Time of Challenge and Uncertainty, Pt. 2
Presented by: Alaska World Affairs Council
Grab a cup of coffee and join us as we feature 5 amazing women around the world who will talk about what the pandemic looks like in their region, what brings them joy and what they are looking forward to most following COVID-19. Featured speakers are from India, England, Pakistan, Lebanon, and the Arctic.
The Hard Work of Strangers: A Globalized Economy
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Charlotte
Join us for a WACC Speaker Series virtual presentation with Philip Coggan, Bartleby Columnist at The Economist and author of “A History of the World Economy from the Iron Age to the Information Age.”
The Importance of Diplomacy in a Changing World: A virtual lunch and learn
Presented by: Utah Council for Citizen Diplomacy
Christina "CJ" Hernandez, Foreign Service Officer, will discuss the importance of diplomacy in an ever-changing world, and how her career and world travels have shaped her. Come with questions about her career in diplomacy, her world travels, and how you can pursue a career in similar fields!
The Other Crisis: Oil Markets During COVID-19
Presented by: WorldBoston
Dr. Meghan O’Sullivan discusses how the coronavirus has wreaked havoc on oil markets and global energy. O’Sullivan is the Jeane Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice of International Affairs and the Director of the Geopolitics of Energy Project at Harvard University’s Kennedy School.
The Role of Resilience in Dealing with COVID-19
feat. Stephen Flynn
Presented by: Southeast Connecticut World Affairs Council
Join the Southeast Connecticut World Affairs Council (SECWAC) to discuss “The Role of Resilience in Dealing with COVID-19” with Dr Stephen Flynn, Director of the Global Resilience Institute at Northeastern University. Dr Flynn will share his thoughts on best practices for helping communities, companies, and nations to thrive, not just survive, in the face of global turbulence.
Coronavirus in Conflict Zones
Presented by: Cleveland Council on World Affairs
Join CCWA as we host a virtual Foreign Policy Forum on the impact of COVID-19 in conflict zones. Jarrett Blanc, from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, will discuss the realities of coronavirus in conflict-affected nations, where there are high levels of displacement and low levels of state capacity. Both states and nonstate actors are using new opportunities created by the pandemic to advance their own, pre-existing political goals. This event is sold out!
The US and China Now: Should We Confront or Cooperate?
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Philadelphia
Join the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia for a discussion about the future of China, both at home and as a rising world power, following the "new normal" of the coronavirus pandemic, and whether the US and China are bound for confrontation or cooperation. Featuring Yanzhong Huang, PhD, Senior Fellow for Global Health at the Council on Foreign Relations, Susan Shirk, PhD, Research Professor and Chair of the 21st Century China Center at UC San Diego, and Representative Ted Yoho, Representative for Florida’s 3rd District and ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee for Asia, the Pacific and Non-proliferation.
Houstonian Virtual Reception
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Greater Houston
Hosted by CEO Maryanne Maldonado and Director of Development Sandija Bayot
Eurasian Nightmares: China's Belt and Road
Initiative and the Politics of Pandemic
Presented by: World Affairs Council Inland Southern California
What are the geopolitical implications of the virus for
China's Belt and Road Initiative and for its rivalry with the US?Featuring a discussion with Ian Oxnevad, Ph.D. Dr. Oxnevad is on the editorial board for the Association of the Middle East and Africa and writes regularly on issues of security and political economy.
Martin Luther King & Malcolm X:
Revolutionary Lives and Enduring Legacies
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Greater Houston
With Dr. Peniel Joseph, Founding Director of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs Center for the Study of Race and Democracy
Harvard’s American Diplomacy Project with Ambassadors Burns, Grossman, McEldowney, and Ries
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Dallas/ Fort Worth
Please join us for a town hall conducted by Ambassador Marc Grossman as part of Harvard’s American Diplomacy Project: A Foreign Service for the 21st Century. Americans who are “tuned in” to world affairs are asked to contribute their perspectives to this non-partisan national discussion of how to revitalize and modernize American diplomacy and the U.S. Foreign Service. The goal is to generate specific proposals to be published in a Harvard College report for the White House, Congress and the Department of State in the winter of 2020.
China: The World's Next Premier Superpower?
Presented by: World Affairs, Northern California
China's rise and the United State's relative decline on the world stage has led to a tense and complicated relationship between the two. The US and China have worked together in the past with mutual gain and respect, but a major geopolitical contest that was launched by the Trump administration could derail either county's plans for primacy. Join Ambassador Kishore Mahbubani for a discussion on why this geopolitical contest is a lose-lose situation for China and the US, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and global warming. This program will be hosted on Zoom — you can join by computer or dial in on your phone. Detailed instructions on how to watch and dial in will be provided upon registration.
Rising Up For Human Dignity:
Free Film & Discussion Series
Presented by: WorldOregon
Discover the voices of artists and performers from within communities in conflict and their diasporas around the world who are rising up and speaking out for human dignity. Please join us for this free film and virtual discussion series in May.
To participate, watch the film and then join in the discussion. When you RSVP, you will receive links to view the films online prior to discussion. Prior to the first event, you’ll be notified by email with information and links to stream and participate in the panel discussions with an array of experts, policy professionals, humanitarian aid workers, activists, directors, and actors from the films.
The film: FOR SAMA (2019, Syria; dir. Waad Al-Kateab) is both an intimate and epic journey into the female experience of war. A love letter from a young mother to her daughter, the film tells the story of Waad al-Kateab’s life through five years of the uprising in Aleppo, Syria as she falls in love, gets married and gives birth to Sama, all while cataclysmic conflict rises around her. Her camera captures incredible stories of loss, laughter and survival as Waad wrestles with an impossible choice– whether or not to flee the city to protect her daughter’s life, when leaving means abandoning the struggle for freedom for which she has already sacrificed so much.

From briefings with world leaders to coffee chats with colleagues from around the globe, putting the world back together starts here.
Friday | May 8, 2020

Putting the World Back Together with General John Allen (USMC, Ret.)
What will the world look like as we navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic? Join General John Allen (USMC, Ret.), President of The Brookings Institution, for an expert conversation on disrupting the world order, what's on the horizon, and how our world may be reshaped as we emerge from this crisis.
Time (ET)
Title & Description
Putting the World Back Together with General John Allen (USMC, Ret.)
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Connecticut
What will the world look like as we navigate through the
COVID-19 pandemic? Join General John Allen (USMC, Ret.), President of The Brookings Institution, for an expert conversation on disrupting the world order, what's on the horizon, and how our world may be reshaped as we emerge from this crisis.
National Student Conversation:
Putting the World Back Together
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Connecticut, the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, the World Affairs Council of Kentucky and Southern Indiana, and the Santa Fe Council on International Relations
If you are a high school student, we want to hear from you about what putting the world back together means to you! This program allows you to interact virtually with your peers from around the country. This discussion follows the talk by General John Allen (USMC, Ret.), and will use that program as a jumping off point for discussion. If you can't make it - it's not a problem! Just bring an open mind and your own thoughts about what putting the world back together means to you!
International Career Series: Medical Response
Presented by: International Relations Council, Kansas City
As Chief Medical Officer for Heart to Heart International (HHI), Dr. Rick Randolph has dedicated much of his time towards assisting those with pressing medical needs. His experience includes leading disaster response teams in Haiti and the Philippines for HHI as a volunteer, medical exchanges through Rotary International in Kenya and Uganda, providing primary care medicine in Senegal, Haiti, Kenya and Uganda. He also has medical military experience in Senegal, Haiti and Iraq.
For our next International Career Series program, Dr. Randolph will elaborate on his experiences, as well as share his advice for those interested in a similar path.
Belly Dancing with April Mears
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Charlotte
Please join belly dancer April Mears for a belly dancing lesson. All attendees' videos will be off - so don't be embarrassed and get into the groove! April completed her Bellydance Teacher Training in 2017 with the creator of the Fatchancebellydance® Style (fka American Tribal Style) of bellydance and attends yearly dance retreats and workshops. FCBD® Style is a group improvisational style of modern bellydance that allows dancers from all over the world to dance in sync together using a common dance vocabulary without any pre-planned choreography. April has been bellydancing since 2007 and performing FCBD®Style and fusion bellydance in festivals and events since 2014. She loves sharing bellydance with anyone who'll join her and is cultivating a local dance community, but lately, with live streaming has been reaching further afield. April is also a 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher who teaches and practices at her neighborhood yoga studio in Washington, DC.
Truth Decay | Michael D. Rich (President and Chief Executive Officer, RAND Corporation)
Presented by: WorldOregon
Join us for an eye-opening discussion with Michael D. Rich, President and Chief Executive Officer, RAND Corporation, on the causes and consequences of "Truth Decay”—the diminishing role of facts and analysis in American public life.
Economic Dignity
Presented by: World Affairs Council of Dallas/ Fort Worth
Economist Gene Sperling believes that we need to change how the success of our economy is measured, replacing metrics such as gross domestic product with a goal of “economic dignity.” Sperling believes there is an opportunity to pivot from focusing on markets to providing “the sense of meaning, purpose, fulfillment and security of people.”
Afghanistan 2020: What's Next for America's Longest Military Engagement with Amb. Ronald Neumann (Ret.)
Presented by: Peoria Area World Affairs Council
Join the Peoria Area World Affairs Council to learn from Ambassador Ronald Neumann, former US Ambassador to Afghanistan, as we look at longest military involvement in US history. What can we expect next? Tickets are $5 - $10. Zoom details will be sent with ticket purchase confirmation.
Sat., May 9
Mother’s Day Weekend Brigadeiro Baking Class
Presented by: Vermont Council on World Affairs
We couldn't let the week end. Join the Vermont Council on World Affairs on Saturday, May 9 from 12:30pm - 2:00pm for a special brigadeiros cooking class.
The VCWA is excited to host Vermont based baker and owner of My Brigadeiro, Chef Paula Fernandes. Paula will teach you or the person of your choice how to cook one of Brazil’s most delicious desserts: brigadeiros. This virtual cooking class makes a perfect gift or experience to share in celebration of Mother’s Day weekend.
1. How do I sign up for an event?
It's easy! Just click the 'tickets' link next to the event you want to attend and you will be brought to the hosting Council's website. From there, you can reserve your ticket.
2. Do these events cost money?
It depends - each Council sets the price for their events. Most events will be free, but some may have a small fee. You can see the price by clicking on the 'tickets' link next to the event.
3. Do I need a video camera on my computer to watch an event?
No, you do not need a video camera. However, you may need an account or free application on your phone and/or computer to watch the event. More information can be found on the host Council's webpage.
4. Which digital platform will the events be hosted on?
The video/audio platforms will vary. Once you sign up for an event, you will receive instructions on how to access the appropriate platform.
5. What if I have technical difficulties before or during an event?
Each event is hosted by a different World Affairs Council around the country. For tech support, visit the host Council's page for their policies on tech support.
6. What privacy features does video calls have?
Your computer video will not be accessed during the events and your audio feed will be muted. That way, you can view, listen to and participate in the events without any interruptions!
7. What time zone are the events listed for?
Please note that all events on this page list the time in Eastern Time (ET). Events will be hosted around the country in different time zones, so please be mindful of what time an event is hosted, according to your location.
8. Will new events be added to the lineup?
Yes! New events are added every day. Be sure to keep checking back so you don't miss any great new additions to the schedule.
For all press related requests and questions, please reach out to:
Rachel Pastor
Communications + Marketing Associate
World Affairs Councils of America
Putting the World Back Together marks the first time Councils across the country will gather virtually for a special, inclusive Ideas Summit, under a new brand: CxC: Amplified. Our collective programming – virtual events, conversations, debates, and engagement opportunities – on one platform aims to meet this historic moment with unity, leadership, and dialogue.
CxC: Amplified is a full week of ideas designed to amplify voices on foreign and national policy, Council by Council, and coast to coast. Open to the public, this Ideas Summit brings together leaders, experts, and citizens across the nation to tackle the central question: How will the world be put back together as we chart our way through the new circumstances caused by this coronavirus pandemic?
The World Affairs Councils of America is an independent, nonpartisan organization dedicated to engaging the public and leading global voices to better understand the world, America’s international role, and the policy choices that impact our daily lives and our future. Officially incorporated in 1986, WACA is the national headquarters organization located in Washington, DC that serves and represents 90 Councils located in more than 40 states.
